"Welcome to The Church of St. Augustine, Providence, RI. "

A Roman Catholic Parish serving Mount Pleasant & North Providence since 1929

The Pastor’s Corner

Posted on Dec 12, 2019


Dear Parishioners

   We continue our journey through these hope-filled days of longing and preparation as we celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent this weekend. The Third Sunday of Advent signals an important turning point in our season. On Tuesday, December 17, we begin the “second phase” of the Advent season when we turn our attention more specifically toward the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord.  The sense of anticipation and fulfillment  builds as the story of Jesus’ birth unfolds. This is alluded to in the Prayer after Communion for today’s Mass when we pray, “We implore your mercy, Lord, that this divine sustenance may cleanse us of our faults and prepare us for the coming feasts.”

However, it is Advent joy that is the overwhelming and prominent characteristic of the Third Sunday of Advent, which is also known as Gaudete Sunday. Some expressions of that joy can be found in the lighting of the rose-colored candle on the Advent wreath and by the rose-colored vestment the priest has the option to wear. The theme of joy is especially evident in today’s first reading as the prophet Isaiah notes how “the desert and the parched land will exult” and how they will “rejoice with joyful song.” The reading goes on to say that as God comes to save us, “sorrow and mourning will flee” as “those whom the Lord has ransomed will return and enter Zion singing, crowned with everlasting joy.” It may be a good spiritual exercise in the week ahead to reflect on the presence of joy in your life: What makes you joyful? What you should be joyful (and thankful!) about in your life because of the gifts God has given you?

The O Antiphons

The O Antiphons refer to the seven verses that are recited (or chanted) preceding the Magnificat during Vespers of the Liturgy of the Hours. They cover this special period of Advent preparation known as the Octave before Christmas,(December 17-23). These antiphons form the basis of the Advent hymn, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” put to music in 15th century France.  Look for a complete listing of antiphons at www.usccb.org.

Christmas Poor Boxes

Although it seems like Thanksgiving just passed (it REALLY did!), NEXT weekend  (Dec 21-22) we will have the storage-type boxes once again at the doors of the church for your monetary donations to the poor and needy at Christmas. This outreach is not just for our own parishioners but for the ongoing support of Mary House (St. Patrick’s) and St. Edward’s  food pantry. Thank you for your sacrificial offerings. God Bless! 

                                                                                Father Forcier

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Mass Schedule

Posted on Dec 5, 2019

Friday, December 13 – Saint Lucy
  7:00 AM Special Intention – Margaret Pleasants
  5:30 PM – Memorial – Louis & Rose Rioles
Saturday, December 14- Saint John of the Cross
  8:00 AM – Memorial – Michael T. Grace
Vigil – Third Sunday of Advent
  5:00 PM – 2nd Anniversary – James  M. Sloan III, Esq.
Sunday, December 15- Third Sunday of Advent
  7:00 AM – Memorial – Victor Lusignan
  9:30 AM – Birthday Memorial – David Costantino
11:30 AM – Memorial – Dorothy Langton & Ronald Perillo
  5:30 PM – 1st Anniversary – Sandra Labrie
Vigil – Third Sunday of Advent
5:00 PM – 2nd Anniversary – James  M. Sloan III, Esq.
Sunday, December 15- Third Sunday of Advent
  7:00AM – Month’s Mind- Victor Lusignan
  9:30 AM- Birthday Memorial – David Costantino
11:30 AM – Memorial – Dorothy Langton & Ronald Perillo
  5:30 PM – 1st Anniversary – Sandra Labrie
Monday, December 16 – Advent Weekday
   7:00 AM – Birthday Memorial – Lena Cosentino
   5:30 PM – Memorial – Antonetta & Biagio Bruto
Tuesday, December 17 – Late Advent Weekday
7:00 AM –  Special Intention
Wednesday, December 18- Late Advent Weekday
  7:00 AM – Memorial – Dr. Fiorindo A. Simeone
Dr. & Mrs. John B. Simeone
  5:30 PM – Birthday Memorial – Lorraine Thorne
Thursday, December 19 – Late Advent Weekday
  7:00 AM –    Christmas Memorial – Beverly Cyr
Friday, December 20 – Late Advent Weekday
  7:00 AM Memorial – DiLiberio, Petrosinelli & Maceroni
  5:30 PM – Memorial – Frank Todisco & Albert Bruto
Saturday, December 21- Late Advent Weekday
  8:00 AM – Month’s Mind – Ida DiTomasso
Vigil – Fourth Sunday of Advent
  5:00 PM – Christmas Memorial – Charles DiBenedetto
Sunday, December 22 Fourth Sunday of Advent
  7:00 AM – 5th Anniversary – Eugene Galligan
  9:30 AM – 38th Anniversary – Ralph Fargnoli
11:30 AM – Christmas Memorial – Gregory Sperduti
  5:30 PM – 6 Month – Blanche Hunt
2nd Anniversary – Cornelius Hunt
7th Anniversary – Timothy Hunt





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